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Golf Position: Impact Position

The next position that we are going to talk about is the all important impact position. Moving down from the last position that we talked about, a rotary motion of the body as well as the unleashing of the wrist hinge that you have created is going to square the clubface through impact. A few of the points that you need to look at impact are; that your spine angel should remain constant, in fact your spine angle should remain constant throughout the swing. That is, the spine angle that you created at address like this, should be maintained. You shouldn't be moving across like that, you maintain this angle as well as the spine angle looking down the line. That angle that you created at address there should be maintained. There should be no raising or lowering of that spine angle so that is important that it should be maintained through impact.
At impact the hips will have been unleashed and they will be turning around 45 degrees to the ball target line like so. The shoulder line will be around 10 degrees open. They will not be square. That was a bit of an old myth that the shoulders should be square at impact but they will be in fact open at impact.
Now through the impact area there is a strong correlation between your elbows and your hips. The right elbow at impact will be just in front of the right hip there and left arm will be the same as we talked about at address. The top part of the left arm will be touching your chest and that will be there at impact again. In fact the impact position is very similar to the address position. The only differences are: the hips are turned around, the left knee is straightened, and the hands and butt end of the club will be slightly ahead of the club head.
Now of course at impact the main thing that you will want to do is have the clubface square assuming you are hitting a straight shot. Coming from inside the target line -coming from that position down through impact you want the clubface to be square. To do this you want to maintain those spine angles-if you get ahead of the ball like that the club head is going to be open. If you have swayed back and stayed back on your right foot you are going to have all sorts of problems. The club head will probably be closed so make sure you keep your spine angles correct. Get all the other positions correct and then through impact hopefully you are going to have a square clubface and be in that position there.
The impact area all through this zone is called the "power zone". In the golf swing you want to rotate to the top creating that torque then start down slowly and when you are getting through these areas here, this is the "power zone" coming through impact. This is where you want to rip the ball.
You can't rip the ball from the top of your swing. If Best telescope under 500 do that you will probably come over the top you are going to start hitting from your shoulders, from the top of the swing and you are going to lose all the power. You are going to use it up by the time you get down through impact-you are not going to have any power left. You need to get to the top of the back swing let it go, then let it rip through the impact area. If you have done this correctly you will find yourself in the next position that we are going to talk about that is where the club is parallel to the ground again.